How To Install Sss R3 Program

SSS R3 File Generator is a program was developed to assist employers in the preparation of their monthly contribution report. I download this system and installed to my laptop then read user manual how the process works.

The Social Security System (a.k.a. The SSS) is a social insurance program for employees/workers in the Philippines. Members can avail of benefits for the following: sickness, maternity, and retirement among others. Members can also apply for salary loans. For more details on the program, you can visit the official website here. Shut down antivirus software!-Delete all files about the old version! Step 1: copy “CARS 2015.R3 ” or “Trucks 2015.R3” to your computer. Step 2: run main.exe in “CARS 2015.R3” to activate(if you want to install truck,please run main.exe in “Trucks 2015.R3”) – click start – click yes to save FileActivation on desk. Proceed to Installing the R3 File Generator. From the SSS branch 1. Ask the SSS-R3 processor for a copy of the compressed file, R3FGComp. Save the file into a dedicated folder in your computer. Rename the folder. (e.g R3Employer) 3. Double click on the R3FGComp and uncompress the file in the same folder. Proceed to Installing the R3 File.

Using my web application I generate SSS monthly contribution to get data for testing and try to input from R3 File Generator. After 10 employee's contribution encoded to the system, we generate file Transmittal Certificate, Employee File and SSS text file.

As a programmer, I ask myself why SSS did not provide or developed system that can get the data from excel file then generate those 3 required text file to eliminate double entry. I decide to create application that the system goal is to read data from excel file then after the processing generate the Transmittal Certificate, Employee File and SSS text file to download.


Task to do:

  • Download the R3 File Structure
  • Study the output of Transmittal Certificate, Employee File and SSS text file.

Downloadable Sss R3 Form

After a week, we developed R3 File Generator module added to my HRMS & Payroll System and I'am planning to share this tool for free if I receive more comments about your experience using R3 File Generator provided by SSS.