Barko’s back of cab knuckleboom loaders combine low installation weight with high payload capacity, resulting in maximum productivity for all your material handling needs. Loaded with standard features, these efficient units offer a high level of performance at a low total cost of operation.
Barko 160a
Get Free Barko 80 Owners Manual F80-4K7 - Barco File Type PDF Barko 80 Owners Manual Barko 80 Owners Manual This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this barko 80 owners manual by online. You might not require more times to spend to go to the book opening as with ease as search for them. Barko 160A Service Manual for Loaders Model is very detailed and contains everything you will ever need to repair, maintain, rebuild, refurbish or restore. All diagnostic and repair procedures are covered in great detail. However, adequate data i. Photos; Specially designed for heavier loads, the Barko 160A utility loader delivers a maximum front lift capacity of 18,860 pounds. Its durable construction keeps the machine working hard for the long haul.
The Barko 80XL back of cab knuckleboom loader delivers exceptional productivity day in and day out. Engineered with efficiency in mind, the machine offers a maximum front lift capacity of 9,880 pounds.
Download the Barko 80XL BrochureLearn more about the 80XL at
Equipped with a telescoping boom that increases reach by up to 3 additional feet, the Barko 80XLE back of cab knuckleboom loader delivers an excellent power-to-weight ratio. Its maximum front lift capacity is 10,450 pounds.
Download the Barko 80XLE BrochureLearn more about the 80XLE at
The Barko 130B back of cab knuckleboom loader is a true workhorse, built to perform longer and harder when handling heavy loads. The loader provides a maximum horizontal reach of 23 feet.
Download the Barko 130B BrochureLearn more about the 130B at
Barko 160a User Manual Transmission
Specially designed for heavier loads, the Barko 160A back of cab knuckleboom loader delivers a maximum front lift capacity of 18,860 pounds. Its durable construction keeps the machine working hard for the long haul.
Download the Barko 160A BrochureLearn more about the 160A at